Q: I am worried that I mesterbate too much.
A: Here are some physical and psychosexual symptoms that may indicate you have a harmful habit that affects your life.
1. You hurt yourself. It could be mild skin chafing, a condition called reduced pinile sensitivity (RPS), or so-called death grip syndrome, caused by too much pressure while stroking it. Desensitization from overstimulation is enough to cause erectile dysfunction and erection-related problems.
2. You feel guilty, and your intimate life, family, work, and social life suffer. Acting out, with or without adult content, is maybe the most secretive and isolating type of acting out.
3. You find it challenging to climax. You teach your brain and body to get off only using specific visual and physical stimuli. You experience problems getting it up or finishing with a real-life partner.
4. You try to cut back but fail. One of the primary criteria of any type of out-of-control and problematic behavior (also called addiction) is losing control.
Please WhatsApp +971 50 969 0857 in Dubai, the UAE 050 969 0857 to book an appointment with sexologist Christina Lindea, e-mail at christina@docnoor.com.
Please discover https://docnoor.com/blog about rates and appointments https://docnoor.com/blog/book-now-booking-details-fees-and-modalities with practitioner Christina in Dubai, the UAE.