Reasons Why Women, Men and Couples are Contacting a Holistic Sexologist

Q: Why are people contacting sexologist Christina Lindea?

A: There are various reasons why couples, men, and women seek clinical sexologists and contact a psychosexual expert.

Some do not have a partner who meets their needs and feel unloved, unsupported, and unappreciated. They wish to learn to speak up for themselves to communicate their needs effectively.

Most importantly, overcome sexual dissatisfaction in a couple, such as loss of intimacy, skill, repertoire, compatibility, and boundary concerns.

Many men want to improve their stamina by strengthening the male PC muscle for better function. Ultimately, learn the secret to non-stop energy flow (Stop-Start sexological behavioral change method and CBT approach).

Men book appointments to overcome sexual challenges and experiences of frustrationlow libido, reduced sex drive, lack of sexual desire, control (rapid climax), male sexual performance anxiety, erection difficulties, erectile dysfunction, and PIED.

Some men are stressing over the shape or size of the pines (small pines anxiety and pinele dysmorphophobia).

Both men and women wish to better understand sexual performance anxiety (SPA), shame, guilt, inhibitions, insecurities, fantasies, and out-of-control behavior (sex and porn addiction) and dissolve problematic habits and behaviors.

Some of you seeking guidance are from minority communities whose characteristics differ from what is typically expected by a culture.

People sometimes want clarity and a better understanding of their commitment and marriage preparation worries. 

Cultivating sexual awareness helps men, women, and couples access accurate information and make informed choices before intimacy with their beloved - if they choose to.

It also leads to a better intimate life and deeper connections, creating a safe space to explore and experiment.

Some women sometimes experience pain (vagin*mus, dyspareunia, vestibulitis). Similarly, they prefer to identify and manage the root causes of why sex hurts and why they feel dry and tight. 

They don't want to ignore the causes of vag dryness and the possible side effects of menopause.

Discover female-friendly sexual health and enhancement solutions for female sexual difficulties and women's sexual problems, such as low sexual desire, sexual arousal (FSAD), satisfaction, and org*sm challenges.

Most women wish to overcome painful sex and body-related worries via lasting, non-invasive, and safe evidence-based solutions beyond the clinical therapy model.

Most women are aware that female genital cosmetic surgery or procedures to alter the appearance of genitalia or function are not medically indicated (excluding procedures performed for medical reasons). 

Such operations pose potential complications, such as reduced natural lubrication and dyspareunia due to the removed tissue. Also, the safety and effectiveness of these surgeries have not been fully established.

Please call 04 344 1901, WhatsApp, or +971 50 969 0857, in Dubai, UAE 050 969 0857, to book an appointment with the physician-referred best practice, holistic sex therapy counseling consultant in Dubai, e-mail at

Do you wish to overcome body image problems and awaken one's sensual self? Through professional body awareness techniques, somatics is an effective way to bring awareness and overcome sex-related fears.

Many are scheduling appointments to discover how to clear psychological and energetic blockages and symptoms of stress, improve sleep quality, and support the body's production of more hormones to keep you alert and thrive at any age.

Sexual dissatisfaction is the result of one or more of the following conditions:

  1. Lack of knowledge of one's own body, especially genitalia.
  2. Lack of understanding of how to experience and share pleasure - if one chooses to do so.
  3. Guilt and shame about one's body, feelings, thoughts, and sexual activity are often rooted in upbringing.
  4. ED, PE, sexual and intimacy fears and anxiety (SPA), arousal, libido - sex drive, sexual pain, and org*sm issues can also be used as an arena where a couple chooses - usually subconsciously - to work out their power or other problems.

Sexual response, or the lack of it, can be a barometer of the health of the entire relationship.

Look at for information and appointments with practitioner Christina Lindea in Dubai, the UAE.